USP | UNITED SKILL PARTNERS was founded by Peter Carpay and the USP team in 2020 because we felt that 'The War for Talent' was causing many companies in 'technical and service' industries a headache. Coming from a combined background in people related business, we felt that the time was there to change the recruitment/staffing industry.
Our experience:
Our team noticed in the past 30 years, that in most trades the 'usual suspects' were moved around in a continious caroussel, in which recruitment staff and management also rotated from one known supplier to the other. Candidates register at 'known labels', while the attractiveness of the JOB is mostly determined by the HIRING COMPANY and not by the Agency that is reponsible for the staffing process. As such the real added value of many agencies was (and is) limited. When all fish in the same pond, the outcome does not change with more hooks in the water. As our client, you can expect USP to be a full partner in all aspects of staffing and recruitment, with profound knowledge of your Industry. As such we will find you also new sources and advise and help you with (as example) qualification-demands, tax and legal obstacles and other 'roadblocks' along the way.
Even more striking we found the difference in pricing between ON- and Offshore projects. Offshore has a 24/7 rotational schedule, with little or no demand for housing and/or other logistical efforts of agencies during the periods onboard. Still 'hourly rates' charged by agencies are much higher than Onshore, where logistics for the crew are often a daily challenge, year round.
In the safety training industry we experienced the same in the '90's -as new OPITO approved supplier-, where we disrupted the monopolistic market for certified Offshore training succesfully, introducing two -now leading- new SafetyTraining suppliers in the market. As a result, there are now many more certified suppliers and the average price for OPITO approved training has dropped significantly. As client of USP, we guarantee you 100 % transparant margin calculation to ensure sharp and realistic pricing of our services. As such we will contribute to a more open and competitive recruitment market.
Lack of innovation is common in a market with long term dominance of a few 'players'. If there is little or no competition and no entrance of innovative (new) suppliers, all will stay as it was. At USP we are allways innovative, the search for better, more consistant and more cost-effective ways of finding and binding the right technical talent, drives us every day. As our client you can expect more from us, because we look further than the standard options. As our client you can expect from us new potential sources for personnel and effective and compliant use of (local) rules and regulations to enable - for example- highly qualified South Africans with full English- and basic Dutch language proficiency as project crew on your site. This, with a full working and stay-permit from the Dutch Authorities. (Offshore no special permits for NON-EC crew needed in most cases).
Are you ready for USP ?
We are ready for your demands. Call or E-mail us to set up a meeting that will change your outlook on recruitment...
United Skill Partners
Karl Weisbardstraat 181, 3015 GM, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
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